Natalia Maria Wojciechowska |
The best way to answer questions of the philosophical nature is to ask questions, because they really give answers, and these questions bring another questions. So let's begin, shall we?
Does anything have any boundaries?
We cannot state that for sure. More than once, even scientists have proven that discovering something they could explain 100% after a month the discovery was no longer true, because new facts have come up, so the only limit is here and now. At a given moment in this very second, it can be clearly stated that something has borders, but are these the actual boundaries of a given matter?
Can we keep on continuously crossing borders?
If there are no borders, so what do we have to cross?
And if they exist, so going along with the philosophy contained in the previous answer - yes, of course, that we can always cross our boundaries - everyone on their own, because someone's boundary is different from our boundary.-
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photo from Fotolia |
Since there are no boundaries, how are we supposed to measure things?
Measurement is simply relative and in many cases very subjective - what will we call a measurement?
If a measure is a thing accepted by the whole, then you can actually measure something, but are you sure the whole population is right?
If we are measuring it we can constantly measure something in comparison to something else.
In fact, we are both our own measurement and our own limitation.
What is the greatest limitation?
Any person who develops emotionally and intellectually, acquires more and more life wisdom and draws conclusions from life events, such a person is able to say that the more he/she learns and the longer he or she lives, the less he knows - if anything. This human being also learns that he himself is the biggest limitation simply by assigning to himself, for example, some qualities / desires and continuing with them invariably for years until he realizes that he is not like that at all and wants something completely different. So this is another very blurry topic.
There are millions of questions that can make you feel like you are on a shaky ground and at some point you may feel as if you are in strange suspension, but this suspension is very good for stretching, because we do not forget that stretching is a process and the process can last and last forever and will not stop, which gives us the feeling that this process and the possibilities of our body are endless. How does this affect our body and anatomical / physiological issues? Well:
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Julia Chmielińska |
From what I know I am a human being.
I have a body consisting of a certain amount of bones, muscles, etc.
From what I know I will not change into a lizard.
I have a body, like everyone that is aging, and it is a subject to different processes and changes.
I know that in order to maintain a vertical posture, certain muscles have been shaped in the way to maintain such posture and other vital functions:
- the muscles cannot be deformed,
- the muscles cannot be removed,
- the muscles cannot be ripped (although the function of smaller muscles, tendons, ligaments, the damage of which does not endanger life, may be taken over by larger ones without any health impairment)
This means that we are limited - our own body, but ...
Are there any limits within the body?
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Natalia Kucia |
Yes, of course - a healthy leg that is 100 cm will not suddenly reach 120 cm, but for example: a leg that has been injured and where some contractures have arisen and which, under the influence of improper balance/ load it has "shortened" because of that, it can be pulled out to its original length.
And whether a healthy leg that will be subjected to, for example, stretching on a wheel, will extend and get longer?? Maybe 1 to 3 cm (healthy) without bringing improper hypermobility, but will it affect the skin, which will start to look like a big bag? Probably it really will be like that.
When we assume that we do not care about unhealthy hypermobility and the overall condition and functioning of the body are there any limits then??
Ok, let's suppose we broke all the bones, we ripped out all the ligaments and tendons, etc., so in fact we have a soft corpse - there is still a yur skin that is limited material and can be stretched and stretched and stretched until it tears, so this proves that physical limitations exist.
The real question is:
Are we able to reach our private boundaries?
Yes and no.
Our brain is not used 100% by us, so it means that our body is used 100% neither. Therefore, we cannot determine where and what the boundary is.
We are also programmed to leave the emergency exit - this is our instinct self-preservation instinct - and only some people who are disturbed in psycho-physical development seem to have no limits, sometimes this results in death, and in turn such incidents tell us that healthy restrictions are good for us, these do not allow us to harm ourselves or to lose our lives.
What's more, we are different each day - we have a lot of stimuli - and every day our stretching sessions are different - we feel our bodies differently. In addition, do not forget that we are aging, and with age the body on reacts on the stretching stimuli differently and its quality is changing.
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photo from Fotolia |
Is it possible that can we infinitely extend the range of motion by extra millimeters?
Theoretically YES, but it is a very individual process.
It depends on time and pace and whether stretching sessions were continued or there was a break or whether the body was influenced significantly by changes: pregnancy, injuries, etc. It all also depends on what we start from, what our genetic predispositions are and how much time we spend on stretching sessions.
Can a person who is already sitting in a twine position on two chairs can stretch even further?
I would say why not?
For instance 1 millimeter in 10 years
It all depends on how we look at it.
Do not forget that the more you achieve in each field, the further achievements are not so spectacular, and for further progress you need to work much harder and longer, and besides, you should not neglect your stretching sessions, but at the same time you also should not force your body.
The body is going through a series of changes and the perspective is always changing, thanks to this perspective something that once seemed to be little now is much more and vice versa. This makes stretching constantly changing with the possibilities of our mind, thoughts and experience. I often see how stretching becomes a reflection of a current emotional state especially for women. I also know from my own experience that I constantly amaze myself and my body amazes me that something that once seemed to me "impossible" after a few months becomes an ordinary thing, which makes the appetite for the next millimeters grow, sometimes achieved in months or years. So it has been 21 years of stretching so far for me (I started stretching at the age of 14) I still stretch and I am convinced that I'm not even close to my limits. I'm constantly watch myself, watch the others, and constantly see progress, but ...
In order to achieve anything, even the smallest progress in any field (in stretching too) it requires plenty of time, hard work, patience and distance. I assume that stretching is like life – it is a way you can follow - non-stop.
I am a very stretched person, who at the age of 35 is still discovering a lot about the range of my motion, flexibility, the possibilities of combined my power of mind with the body, and so on, and I find out that everything is possible and from what I know borders are not there, as long as you do not force yourself.
Something that limits us beside our minds, it is our lifestyle and also the time.
If only we could live healthy, without stress, with daily routine of the stretching in harmony with ourselves and believing that the mind is able to change muscle density and tendon tension then everyone would be able to achieve twine position everywhere, on chairs and grow and develop skills in the field of stretching every day. If I was such a person then at the end of life I would possibly be able to answer the question if there are any stretching boundaries.
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